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Spanish courses for foreigners in Spain

He Spanish is he fourth most spoken language in the world, already touching the 600 million people (7.5% of the world population). You will be surprised to know that of this percentage, 6.2% corresponds to native speakers, the rest is people who have learned the language. Are you looking for Spanish courses for foreigners in Spain? In LEWU you can find them! And why learn Spanish?

The reasons to sign up for Spanish courses for foreigners

Spanish is the fourth most spoken language in the world, of course, the first place is still occupied English, since it is the language with which you can communicate almost anywhere on the planet, whether you go by job as for vacation. However, Spanish is gaining more and more followers and there are many foreign who seek to learn the language of Cervantes.

Why sign up for a Spanish course for foreigners? Can you do it in Spain? If you have just moved to the country or are thinking about doing so, you will surely need to learn Spanish! We tell you the reasons to do it.

Travel to many countries

Although English remains the first language worldwide and not because there are many natives, but because people They aim to learn it as a second language, Spanish is not far behind. With Spanish you can travel to more than 21 Spanish-speaking countries and this language is not limited to Spain, but also extends throughout a good part of Latin America.

Learning Spanish allows you to travel to many countries

With this language you can also travel through the Iberian Peninsula, which Mexico, Cuba, Panama, Colombia either Argentina, among many other countries. Furthermore, you will also be surprised to know that although the official language of the United States is English, Due to the immigration, you will find here over 62 millions of Americans of Hispanic origin. The 71% of these citizens, speaks Castilian.

Spanish courses for foreigners: The door to other languages!

Although it may seem like a challenge, it is said that Spanish is a fairly easy language to learn and speak., of course, as long as you sign up for a Spanish course for foreigners. Furthermore, this language opens the door to Romance languages (Spanish is part of them) and other languages. You want to learn French, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian? Spanish will be your gateway!

But, although it may seem very difficult, we tell you that even greek share many similarities with phonetics Spanish (and the rest of the Romance languages). Not only in terms of words, but also in terms of structure of the phrases.

The cultural wealth of Spanish

Spanish, also known as "the language of Cervantes" has given, culturally, great artists. You can read countless authors such as the author of Don Quixote himself, García Lorca, Cortazar and the Nobel Prize in Literature: Garcia Marquez Y Vargas Llosa, but the list seems endless.

On the other hand, by learning Spanish it is possible to know the cultural beauties of Latin American countries and, of course, from the cradle of Castilian: the Iberian Peninsula. Spain has great diversity biological, is the second country with the largest number of sites declared World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. In addition, it receives a large number of foreigners!

Spanish to reside in the country

If you have just moved to Spain for reasons family or work, it is possible that, depending on your migratory situation, you need to speak Spanish. And we tell you even more: if you are going to request the nationality Spanish, as can be, by marriage. You will need to have a DELE A2 Spanish diploma or higher!

Job opportunities

Not only to reside in Spain, Spanish is one of the official languages of the European Union. If you live in a member country and want to work in an EU body, then you will need the domain of another language, in addition to English. But, on the other hand, Spanish also opens the doors for you to work in other countries where the language is spoken or in companies who have business in these countries. It's all advantages!

At LEWU we offer Spanish courses for foreigners with native and bilingual teachers

Spanish courses for foreigners at LEWU

There's nothing like learn a new language in the country of said language, in this case, Spain. In LEWU we have a Spanish area for foreigners and we offer courses and programs by clear quarterly objectives. Our courses follow the content of the Cervantes InstituteIn addition, we carefully prepare our programs, following the profile of each student.

It goes without saying that you will have a team of native teachers who will know how to guide you throughout your entire learning process. He LEWU method It does not focus on boring classes in the classroom, but we teach you in a fun and experience. We combine the team building, with activities such as Escape Rooms, Role Plays, etc. This way you will learn easily and almost without realizing it!

If you sign up for our Spanish courses for foreigners, on the first day the teachers will evaluate your knowledge to place you in a suitable group. You will also work oral comprehension and expression and written. It goes without saying that you can also live an immersive experience that will allow you to enjoy greatly the beauties of our country: its culture, gastronomy and its people.

Lastly, you can access face-to-face courses at our center, but also remote form from the comfort of home. You can learn the language, before moving to Spain! And if what you need is to focus on business, we also offer courses for companies.


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