Registration for the 2023 – 2024 Course is now open!

Terms of use

1. Previous considerations

These legal conditions regulate the permitted legal use of this website, whose legal responsibility is Racrisrama, SL (hereinafter, Lewu). These general conditions regulate the access and use that the owner of the website makes freely available to Internet users. Access to it implies its unreserved acceptance. The use of the user area or the acquisition of products or services will also be governed by the particular conditions provided in each case, which will be understood as accepted by the mere use of such services.

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The texts, images, logos, distinctive signs, sounds, animations, videos, source code and other content included on this website are the property of Lewu, or have, where appropriate, the right to use them, and in that sense , are erected as works protected by current intellectual and industrial property legislation.

Any transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, in whole or in part, of the contents stored on this website, is expressly prohibited except with the prior and express consent of the owner. However, users may carry out the reproduction or storage of the contents of the website for their exclusive personal use, being expressly and strictly prohibited the reproduction of elements or contents of this website carried out for profit or commercial purposes.

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3. Conditions of access

Lewu reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation, access conditions, contract conditions, etc., by any justified cause. The company responsible for the website does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the page or its content, nor that it is updated or free of viruses or any other element that may cause alterations in your computer system.

Lewu declines any contractual or non-contractual responsibility with the person or company that makes use of it and has damages of any nature caused by computer viruses or computer elements of any kind. The owner of the website will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from the non-consensual use of the information contained therein or from those derived from the services and opinions provided by third parties.

Lewu will not be responsible in the event of service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctions and, in general, other inconveniences that originate from causes beyond Lewu's control, and/or due to willful misconduct. or culpable by the client and/or originates from acts of God or force majeure. Notwithstanding the provisions of article 1.105 of the Civil Code, the concept of force majeure shall also be understood to include, in addition, and for the purposes of these general conditions, all those events that occur outside the control of Lewu, such as: third party failure , operators or service companies, acts of government, lack of access to third-party networks, acts or omissions of public authorities, those produced as a consequence of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc., and the attack of 'hackers' or specialized third parties in the security or integrity of the computer system, provided that Lewu has adopted reasonable security measures in accordance with the state of the art. In any case, whatever its cause, Lewu will not assume any responsibility, whether for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and/or lost profits.

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5. Place of the contract and applicable jurisdiction

Lewu and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to that of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia (Spain) for any dispute that may arise from accessing or using this website, understanding that any type of electronic contract is entered into in Valencia. (Spain).
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Lewu Summer Camp Registration Form

Lewu Easter Campus Registration Form


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