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How to introduce English into our children's daily lives?

We live in a globalized world and English has become, for years now, in a language practically essential, not only for travel, but to access Job positions. What better way to learn the language than at an early age? If you want to start at home, you're probably wondering how to introduce English into children's daily lives. In this article we reveal the keys to doing it!

Learning the language at home: How to introduce English into the daily lives of little ones?

Although the most accurate thing is turn to experts in the field, through extracurricular classes, language immersion Y camps, you can also introduce English into your children's daily lives at home. Of course, remember that children are easily distracted and a class as such at home may seem like bored and, in the long run, they could reach hate the language.

Therefore, the best is start little by little and make learning something very fun Y playful. Through games, songs, movies, videos and endless activities that are exciting for the little ones. Your level of English doesn't matter, just show trust and pass it on to your children so that they feel that enthusiasm for learning.

The game is the best way if you wonder how to introduce English into your children's daily lives.

Establish a routine at home

Children need routines for practically everything. Just as guidelines are established for meals, hygiene habits, schoolwork and play, a routine to learn english. Over time, this will become a habit. How to introduce English into your little ones' daily lives? Too easy! Dedicate a exclusive time for language In the home.

It is best to speak the language short periods of timeFor example, at breakfast time or when sending them to the shower or bed. For younger children, 15 minutes is more than enough. As they catch trust, sessions may be longer. And what to do in these sessions?

Start with short and very easy phrases such as orders to send them to the shower, to bed, brush their teeth or pick up their toys. try do the same activities every day, so that your children feel comfortable and associate the activity with the phrase they hear.

English entertainment

Kids love it Play and have funHow to introduce English into the day in a playful way? You can start with play a game in english every day. You can do it after school and even in the car, when you go to the supermarket or another activity. You can also play while you are out for a walk. The game should be simple and easy, such as trying to name the colors or elements they see on the street or in the park. Little by little you will be able to help your child build a vocabulary more complete.

In addition to these types of home games, you can also acquire some of educational nature that are designed to teach children. For example, table games. The best thing about board games is that the whole family can sit down and relax, have fun and learn.

Create a corner for English

Children are motivated have your own space in which they treasure their favorite things and even more so if they can be the ones personalize that space. You can do the same with English stuff. That is, create, within your children's room (or in any space at home), a corner in which all the English things are kept: books, activity notebooks, games, etc.

It is best to leave your children decorate this space to your liking. The best way to do it? Through the crafts which, of course, you must guide in English and with a simple vocabulary in which you interact with the colors, shapes and materials to use (paper, scissors, glue, etc.).

Start with a very basic vocabulary

Learning with your favorite characters

Today, many of the your children's favorite characters like cartoons and superheroes have activities and games in English. You can download them to the tablet and even print them and even buy games that are very attractive for the little ones. They'll love learning from their animated friends!

In addition to the activities and games, we invite you to read your little ones stories in English which, in addition, have the peculiarity that you can find them in format bilingual. On the other hand, nothing like music and the children's series or cartoons in English. Of course, do it little by little and better with short videos that, later, you can lengthen.

How to introduce English into everyday life?

Use everyday situations! You can include day-to-day situations so that the little ones learn the language. For example, when dressing, nothing like naming clothes in English. The same applies to the rooms and objects in the house.

Start with a very basic vocabulary And, when your child masters it, expand it little by little. Use the toys, the furniture, the clothes and until the meal. How to introduce English into everyday life? Why not cook with your child? This is a family activity, which will not only strengthen your relationship, but will also allow you teach you the names of foods. You can also apply this in the supermarket!


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